Sunday, January 19, 2014

"Black Panthers"

Black Panthers

   Despite common misconceptions, "black panthers" are not actually panthers. In fact, they're not even their own species. Instead, they are gorgeous leopards and jaguars covered in black fur. National Geographic states, "It's not a separate species, but rather a big cat with a gene that produces dark pigment." 

   Black panthers are just like "normal" leopards and jaguars. They have the same behavior and habits, but they have a different color fur. Black panthers can be found in the wild unlike species like the white tiger. 



  1. Hi Brinley, I love your blog! What a wonderful idea! Keep up the great work! - From Mrs. Esquivel (Margo's mom)

  2. Sorry guys. I need to update my pictures! I'll do it over the weekends.
    -Saving Big Cats

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